Last Updated Sept 17 2006.The purpose of this project is to make use of the rich varieties of information in the
Exalted core rulebook, to play by a completely different set of rules. These rules will largely be based on a "structured freeform" design aesthetic. This is a work in progress and comments and suggestions are welcome.
Thanks to Shreyas Sampat, Thomas Robertson, Selene Tan, Daniel Solis, Tobias Bindslet, Dev Purkayastha, Neel Krishnaswami, "Matt," and Lauren Deans for help so far. And probably some other people too. Brand Robins really wanted to help but couldn't.
I'm gonna walk through character traits to explain how to create a character and how to use your character in play.
Shreyas and
Neel have both created sample characters, with some dubious correlation to the actual rules listed here.
NameAside from being what people call you, your Name also indicates the general power level of your character (what is normally called your capital-E Essence). It demonstrates this by the number of capitalized words in your Name. Mortal have 1 (
Aeryn, Lukka), mortal heroes have 2 (
Aeryn of Taelsin, Lord Lukka), and the Exalted have 3 and up (
Aeryn the Blade of Forever, Lukka Mask-of-Seven-Winters). When you create a character, it's important to record their previous names too, since they have not always been
the August Lady Vespertine, especially to those who know them personally.
People can have many names, so the being who calls herself
Deadly Arc of Ten-Thousand Angry Shadows may be a charlatan without an ounce of power to her name. But she might not be.
You need not determine your Name at the start of character creation. In fact, it may be easier to decide this last or at least tweak your final choice once you have a better sense of who your character is. Character creation can often be an exploratory process, so do what works best for you.
ConceptThis is who your character is and who the world knows them to be. A good plan is to write down a basic Concept before beginning character creation and then, once you've finished, change your Concept to reflect who the character actually ended up becoming. For example, you might start out with something like
Spoiled Princess of a Formerly Illustrious House. But during the process of creating her, you might take a bunch of abilities related to sailing and fighting, which doesn't quite fit your original Concept. So in the end, you might choose to shift your Concept to
Blacksheep Princess Slumming as a Privateer.
Your Concept also must change each time you gain a level of Name (Essence, in the original rules). This reflects that you are no longer the person that you once were and that the world has made note of this. |
CasteThis version of the rules only includes guidelines for playing members of the five Castes of Solar Exalted:
Dawn, Zenith, Twilight, Night, and
Eclipse. Your Caste is notable for helping define your original array of traits. It also determines the initial stylings of your Anima banner, as usual.
MotivationsThese are exactly as normally described, the main purposes that drive your characer. Unlike the advice given in the core rulebook, Motivations don't have to be especially mythic. They also include what, in other games, might be called 'relationship traits': you love someone, you hate someone, or you're in a hierarchical relationship with them of some variety. In any case, Motivations are what gets you out of bed in the morning, whether it's
Killing the Elemental Dragons,
Obeying My Mother, or
Seducing Prince Hakka.
You should start with at least one Motivation but no more than two. Starting Motivations should place your character directly and unavoidably in the path of one or more of the other characters, for good or ill. Other Motivations can be spontaneously created during play.
In general, Motivations serve to frame the overall campaign (long-term Motivations) as well as particular sessions (short-term Motivations). Motivations develop over the course of play, either single sessions, multiple sessions, or the entire campaign. They inevitably transform into new Motivations, but at different rates based on whether characters are able to make real progress on them or not.
At the end of a scene in which a character has attempted to address one of their Motivations, their player should record a summery of what they were able to accomplish. If they were completely frustrated in their attempt, that's important too and deserves to be written down. These are called Accomplishments.
It is obviously easier to work on Obeying Mom than Killing the Elemental Dragons. However, depending on the circumstances, the former might end up causing more pain and anguish (and, ultimately, growth) than the later. This game does not pass judgement on your Motivations. However, it does recommend that you try to maintain a variety of Motivations, from daily responsibilities to impossible moon dreams. This fits better with the rules and may even, we dare to suggest, lead to a more complex and fascinating character. But it may not.
If a character ever completes, abandons, or wants to alter their Motivation, another Motivation needs to be created to replace the previous one. This need not happen immediately, since it might take a few scenes for the character to figure out what to do next.
Once a Motivation has been replaced, its associated Accomplishments are converted into Experience -- 1 XP for each. Note that this XP is not gained until the Motivation has been replaced, even if it has been completed or is no longer valid.
Virtues & LimitEach character interprets the four core Virtues (
Compassion, Conviction, Temperence, and
Valor; but not
Deference) in an individual way. This demonstrates their morals and general personality. For example, Compassion might be interpreted as
Never Abandon Those in Need or as
Treat My Enemies With Honor.
Virtues serve to frame individual scenes. Each space on your character's Undying Bell Chakram is connected to a specific Caste (and their related Excellencies) and their chief Virtue. A piece representing your character is placed on your Caste's space when play begins. You frame scenes around either (1) the Virtue you are currently on or (2) a Virtue that you are moving to. Acting on your current Virtue allows you to stay on that space. Acting on the next Virtue (following the arrows) moves you to it.
Going against one of your Virtues gains you a point of Limit, but it also enables you to move backwards around the Chakram, from sunset to sunrise. Going against your Flawed Virtue gains you 3 points of Limit. Every Solar -- except Eclipses -- gains a point of Limit from demonstrating Deference, which is unnatural for Solars. When you hit 10 Limit, you experience Limit Break, a crisis of Virtue, and descend into the darkness of your Flaw.
It is the GM's job to frame scenes in which characters can demonstrate: 1) their Virtues, 2) their Motivations, or 3) their struggles in choosing between Virtues and Motivations. The GM should vary between these three different types of scenes and choose different characters to focus on each time. In a scene in which the GM is not directly addressing one of your Virtues or Motivations, see if you can address it anyway, making the scene multifaceted and more interesting, but not hogging the spotlight at another character's expense. This earns you experience, gets your character closer to their goals, and is also considered BEING A GOOD PLAYER.
FlawSing, muse, of the rage of Achilles. You can pick a Flaw from the book if you like, but ignore the mechanics and keep mainly the descriptive concept. Or make one up. As usual, it's tied to a particular Virtue (usually not the Virtue held sacred by your Caste, but it could be). Solars cannot have their Flaw be tied to
Deference, which isn't a proper Virtue, just something they're all bad at. Eclipses are merely slightly less bad.
When you reach Limit Break, your Flaw takes over for at least the remainder of the current scene. You cannot continue around the Undying Bell Chakram to a new Virtue or demonstrate your current Virtue until you demonstrate your Flaw to the satisfaction of the other players (including the GM). Treat every new scene as a scene in which your Flaw (instead of a Virtue) dominates until this is resolved.
In order to crawl your way out of your Flaw-induced binge of sin, you must reinterpret one of your Virtues in a radically different way in order to restructure your values and carry on. Once you have satisfactorily demonstrated your Flaw, pick one of the Virtues that has been causing you to gain the Limit (by breaking it) and reinterpret it. For example, your Compassion might change from Never Abandon Those In Need might become Sometimes People Really Want to Be Left Alone.
ExcellenciesThese take the place of Charms, basically describing the cool things you can do. Some of them are bound to be combat-related, but none specifically have to be. In this version of the game, you can fight swords with rhetoric or dancing pretty easily. Excellencies start out with a rating that can increase over time as you develop your abilities. Like your Name, this rating is measured by the number of capitalized words in the title. For example, you might start off with (1)
Sail, which later develops into (2)
Unerring Navigation, (3)
Expediant Migratory Pattern, (4)
Sky-Spanning Solar Harness, and (5)
How Perfect the Celestial Chart Memory.
You might notice that, as they develop, they also become more specific and imbued with a unique type of color, as you develop your own style and way of handling things. They also do not develop linearly, like (1) Melee, (2) Stabbing Things, (3) Stabbing Things Better, (4) Stabbing Things More Better, etc. Each new level centers on a different aspect of the level before it, becoming more powerful but also shifting focus. This serves to broaden the overall range of your abilities while narrowing specific instances of them, if that makes any sense.
When creating a character, you start with your five Caste Abilities and Favored Abilities (Solars get 5) as level one Excellencies. If you are starting play as a mortal hero and going to run the Exaltation, you get 3 points to spend on developing your starting Excellences, though none can be above level 2. If you are starting as a Solar Exalt, you get 8 points (3 + 5 more) and none can be above level 3. Feel free to draw inspiration from the Charms listed in the main rulebook (you may have to shorten or lengthen their names), but you can easily make up your own.
Excellences can be used during any scene, but they are most often invoked in conflicts, a special type of scene.
1. Call somebody out and have your challenge accepted.
2. Declare relevant Excellencies being used, giving a short explanation for each. (Example: "I'm using Unerring Navigation to try to lead my enemy's ship into some hidden shoals.") You can only use one Excellency from a given related set. (Example: You can't use Sail and Unerring Navigation together.)
3. Roll dice (d10s, of course) equal to Name (Essence) + Total levels of Excellencies being used. Count 7+'s as Impact (not Successes), but DON'T TOUCH YOUR DICE AFTER THE ROLL. Note that Impact does not indicate degree of Success or Failure, but rather the degree to which your actions make a difference to others and the world. The failure of some people can matter more than a great victory by others.
4. The dice rolled are used to frame the narration of the conflict. This can work in two ways:
A. If you are rolling dice of two different colors (which makes this easier), put your dice in order, starting with the person who rolled the LEAST Successes. So that player would place all their 1's in a line, followed by the 1's of opposing player, then the 2's and so on. This line represents the "shots" (think movies) that make up the conflict. Each player narrates for their dice.
B. You can achieve the same thing taking turns narrating. Each player just seperates their own dice into 1's, 2's.... 10's. And then you narrate 'tennis' or 'pin-pong' style, starting with the player with the LEAST successes. They narrate their 1's and then the other player narrates theirs, etc.
5. After the narration is over, you determine the overall consequences using the Impact rolled by each player and the character's Anima levels, described below.
Anima The rest of these are story- or character-sized pacing/structuring mechanics. Anima structures individual conflicts. Players define a range of Anima effects for their character (originally based on their Caste, but these can change over time). When a character uses Excellencies above level one, their Anima advances a level. Once the character reaches their last Anima level, they have exhausted themselves (run out of Essence, in the original rules) and cannot invoke more. Characters gain new Anima levels (and the effects that go with them) as they grow in power, which is a new thing. This means more powerful characters can use a lot more Excellencies before feeling the burn.
After a conflict, the Anima levels of the participants also determine the scope of the consequences. No Anima indicates a minor consequence, while Anima 5 means the situation of the entire region was likely changed as a result.
WondersMemoriesThese are your recollections of your past lives. They start out cloudy and become much more focused and specific as play develops. So a mysterious guilt from past disobediance might turn into a complex story of betrayal involving specific historical people. Memories develop as players pursue them.
Memories are important for understanding and learning how to use Wonders, the lost relics of the First Age. Wonders only allow their secrets to be unlocked by those that understand their history or who were inimately connected to them in a past life.